Title: The Impossible Art: Adventures in Opera
Publisher: Farrer, Strauss and Giroux
Date: 2021
Pages: 299
ISBN13: 9780374175382
Readership level: General, Graduate & Faculty
Genre: Nonfiction
Worldcat: Worldcat persistent linkOpens in a new window.
The Impossible Art is a passionate defense of what is best about opera, a love letter to the form, written in the midst of a global pandemic during which operatic performance was (literally) impossible. Aucoin writes of the rare works—ranging from classics by Mozart and Verdi to contemporary offerings of Thomas Adès and Chaya Czernowin—that capture something essential about human experience. He illuminates the symbiotic relationship between composers and librettists, between opera’s greatest figures and those of literature. Aucoin also tells the story of his new opera, Eurydice, from its inception to its production on the Metropolitan Opera’s iconic stage. The Impossible Art opens the theater door and invites the reader into this extraordinary world. -- Publisher's websiteOpens in a new window